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패션 안경을 사다 shopping for fashion glasses in korea

by ROA LEE 2025. 3. 5.

쌍커플 있는 큰눈의 소유자인 나,

평생 눈예쁘다는 소리를 듣고 살았는데 그게 나이들어서는 단점이 될줄 몰랐다.

바로 안경이 안어울린다는것.

나이드니 눈밑은 처지고 주름도 자글자글하고

햇빛에 시력도 더 취약해져서 선글라스 없이는 외출하기 어렵다.

사진을 찍으면 선글라스 쓴 얼굴은 그래도 봐줄수 있지만

썬글라스 없이 찍은 사진은 나이가 보여 영 보기 싫다. 

그래서 평상시에 보안경처럼 끼고 다닐 안경을 찾고 있는데

그렇게 수없이 써봐도 진짜 나에게 어울리는 안경이 없다. 안경이나 선글라스나 아무리 비싼 브랜드라도

내 얼굴에 안어울리면 세상 소용없는것.

오늘 외출했다 돌아오는 길에 동네 안경점이 들어가보았다.

늘 지나다니던 길에 있는 꽤 큰곳이라 구석에서 조용히 플라스틱 안경들을 써보아도 아무도 관심을 갖지 않을거같아서...

그런데 들어가자마자 눈이 마주친 한 남자직원분이 바로 고객응대에 나선다.

그냥 써보기만 하려고 왔다고 했더니 친절한 목소리로 그러라고 하더니

내가 이것저것 써보는걸 보고있더니  '고객님은 안경이 안어울리시는 얼굴이시네요'하는거다.

내 문제점을 알아봐주는 그말이 반가워서 안경이 안어울리는 사람이 따로 있냐니까

눈이 예쁜사람이 안경이 잘 안어울린다나. 

그러면서 그나마 내가 써본것중에 이거 이거가 어울린다 하고 추천해주고

다른곳에서 다른안경도 가져오더니 써보란다.

다른때 같으면 호객행위로 느껴져서 돌아나왔을텐데

직원의 진심이 왠지 느껴졌다. 엄마 안경을 봐주듯이 진심을 가지고 봐주는 느낌?

비싼태를 권하지도 않는다. 수없이 써본 후에 내게 젊어보이면서도 제일 어울린다고 권해준 안경은 만원이란다.

안경자국이 코에 남는게 고민이라고 했더니 유심히 보더니만 나는 코받침이 없는편이 더 자국이 안생길것 같다고 한다.

코받침이 코에서 미끄러져서 있는게 아니라 광대가 도드라진 사람이 코받침 없는 안경을 끼면 광대에 안경테가 부딛혀서 그렇다며

나처럼 광대 없고 콧대도 어느정도 있는 사람은 코받침 없는걸 써도 무방하다고 한다.

안경을 안쓰다보니 안경에 대해 정말 무지했다. 어쩐지 코받침이 있는 안경을 쓰면 렌즈가 내 눈에서 너무 멀리 떨어져 있는 느낌이 들었는데 아마 그래서 그랬던듯.

멋내기 용으로 쓴다고 해도 지금 끼어있는 알은 그냥 아크릴 판이기때문에 눈건강에 아주 안좋다며 알을 뺴고 쓰란다.

보안경으로 맞추면 2만원추가.

알을 뺴고 끼는건 좀 웃기고

보안경을 맞추기엔 내가 멋내기 안경을 정말 쓰고 돌아다닐 수 있을지 자신이 없어서 일단 테만 사가지고 그냥 왔다.

창피하지 않게 쓰고다닐 용기가 생기면 그때 보안경을 맞춰야지.


친절한 직원덕분에 편안했던 안경쇼핑.

가격도 저렴하고 

남편 안경바꿀때 데려가야지.


아,외국에서 이 글을 읽는 분이 있다면

한국에 왔을떄 안경쇼핑도 권한다. 한국이 안경이 좋고 싸다.


I have big, double-lidded eyes, and I’ve always been complimented on how pretty they are.

But I never thought that having pretty eyes would become a disadvantage as I got older. The problem? Glasses just don’t suit me.

As I’ve aged, the skin under my eyes has started to sag, wrinkles have formed, and my eyes have become more sensitive to sunlight. Now, I can’t go out without sunglasses. In photos, my face with sunglasses on is still somewhat presentable, but without them, my age shows, and I hate how I look.


That’s why I’ve been searching for everyday glasses that I can wear like safety goggles. I’ve tried many pairs, but none of them suit me. It doesn’t matter if they’re from a luxury brand—if they don’t look good on me, they’re useless.

Today, on my way back from going out, I stopped by a local eyewear store. It’s a fairly large shop on a street I often pass by, so I thought I could quietly try on some plastic frames in the corner without anyone paying attention to me. But as soon as I walked in, a male employee made eye contact and immediately approached me to assist.

I told him I was just there to try on some glasses, and he kindly encouraged me to go ahead. As I tried on various frames, he watched and said, “You have a face that doesn’t suit glasses well.”

I was oddly pleased that he recognized my problem. When I asked if there were really people who don’t look good in glasses, he explained that people with pretty eyes often struggle to find frames that suit them. He then recommended a few frames that he thought looked decent on me and even brought over some others for me to try.

Normally, I would have found this kind of sales pitch annoying and left, but this time, I could feel his sincerity. It was as if he were helping his own mother pick out glasses—genuine and thoughtful. He didn’t push expensive frames on me either. After trying on countless pairs, he suggested a pair that made me look younger and suited me the best. And guess what? They were only 10,000 won.

I mentioned that I was worried about glasses leaving marks on my nose. He observed carefully and said that people with high cheekbones and no nose pads might experience frames sliding down and pressing against their cheeks. But since I don’t have prominent cheekbones and my nose bridge is decent, I could probably get away with frames without nose pads.

I realized how little I knew about glasses. No wonder frames with nose pads always felt like the lenses were too far from my eyes—it must have been because of that.

He also advised me to remove the plain acrylic lenses I was using for fashion purposes, as they’re terrible for eye health. He suggested getting prescription lenses instead, which would cost an additional 20,000 won.

I found the idea of wearing frames without lenses a bit silly, and I wasn’t confident enough to commit to prescription lenses for fashion purposes just yet. So, I decided to just buy the frames for now and come back later for the lenses if I ever gained the courage to wear them out regularly.

Thanks to the kind employee, my glasses shopping experience was surprisingly comfortable. The prices were reasonable too.

Next time, I’ll bring my husband here when he needs new glasses.

Ah, if anyone reading this is visiting Korea, I highly recommend going glasses shopping while you're here. Korea has great glasses at affordable prices.


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